Thursday 14 November 2013

Front Cover Artist Plan

The name of my artist that will appear on my front cover will be the artist known as JME who is the leader of the music group and record label Boy Better Know situated in East London.

JME is a 28 year old music artist who was born in Hackney with both of his parents being Nigerian born he is situated mainly with music genre known as grime. He co owns a music label known as Boy Better Know with his older brother Skepta. JME studied Graphic design at the University of Greenwich and worked for several graphic design companies such as Nintendo. JME for a few years worked as a solo act before creating his co-owned record label but for some reason JME does not want fame as he has said so in various interviews and radio shows he is just in it for the music which is just one of the many things that makes JME an inspiration in the grime world.

I will represent my artist through various images accompanied by text and keywords from his various songs in order to highlight how good of a rapper JME really is. I will also represent JME as humble through the text and not really a rapper looking to seek fame and money but a rapper who raps just for the pleasure of hearing his own music unlike other rappers i.e. Eminem, lethal b etc. When writing articles and sections about JME I will be sure to use informal style language because JME’s personality itself is not formal in the least so informal language suits the article better for JME.

I believe my artist will challenge stereotypes such as black rappers only think about swearing and getting money through a bio about JME which will include how he does not want fame or cash and how he just wants to make music which overall is  challenge to rappers who also are not black to break this stereotype.    

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